Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Free Night

I think tonight was the first night in 6 or more weeks, that I had a free night at home by myself. It was glorious!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So today I finally set up my hammock! I claimed my own piece of forest, and then my dad helped me set it up :-)

When Family Comes to Visit

All 6 of us stayed in my little house

A little paddle boarding

Impromtu family portrait


Micah and Katy joined us :-)

We did a little downhill mountain bike adventure

And enjoyed some milkshakes too!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday Adventures

A little adventure to Road's End. We encountered a drug bust with a helicopter that landed right in front of us in the road . . . then ventured on to the beautiful Zumwalt Meadow and then Road's End for some rock jumping and stream floating. It was a great day, with great people.