Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not Your Average Spring Cleaning

It's been almost 2 years since I graduated from college . . . and during my spring break I, for the first time, had a chance to clean/organize/sort through absolutely everything from my entire life up until I left after college. I left So-Cal 6 days after graduating, thinking I'd be back at the end of the summer to unpack from college, but that never happened since I got my full-time job.

So all my stuff from college was still boxed in a closet (since I no longer have a room at home) as well as everything else I had once had in my room. It was a lot of work, but was such a freeing experience to simplify and de-clutter my life. It was fun to come across things and reminisce.

Some of the things that I came across (and don't worry, I didn't get rid of them) that I enjoyed seeing again, were: my tiny little tap shoes, my prom queen crown, the children's books I'd written in jr. high, all my dance costumes, lots of old pictures, and of course lots of other random stuff. I was able to get rid of so much though. I basically condensed my entire life up till the age of 22 into less than 10 boxes. Faaaaantastic!



1 comment:

  1. Joce!

    The internet access here in Bermuda on the ship is pretty terrible right now. Worse than Hume. I can't get any email webpages to load. But, I can get this to load, so I'm sending you a message...

    Hi! And, thinking of you!
